Adding or Editing a Target

If you tap the '+' button on the target page or use the 'disclosure' (blue chevron) button, you will see the Edit Target page. 

You will see a 'settings' button with a screwdriver and wrench on the right of some fields.  These buttons allows you to change the values in the fields next to them.

When you are done defining a target, tap the "Test" button to see if it is working correctly.   If it is, tap the "Save" button to add it to the target set.  Note: if you do not tap the "Save" button your changes will be lost.

If you need to add a target without testing it, go to the "Options" page and turn the testing requirement off.

To learn more about types of targes, read the Types of Targets help information.

Name Field

The name field is a value that you give to remind yourself of a target.

Host Name Field

This is the internet 'hostname' (domain name) or IP address (IPv4 only) for the server or host you want to test.

Port Field

The port field only appears for the types of test that require it.  You can enter a number from 1 to 65535 or tap on the configuration button next to it to browse a list of standard internet port assignments.

Vital Switch

If this switch is set on, it indicates that a failure of this target during refresh means that the target set as a whole has failed.  If it is off, its results are simply reported along with all the other targets.

Ignore Switch

If this switch is on, the target is not tested during normal refresh.  You can still test it using the Test button on the Edit page.

Type Setting

To learn more about types of targes, read the Types of Targets help information.

Proxy Setting

This setting, usually set to "<none>", is the identity of the proxy that will handle this target's test.  See the help page on proxies for more information.

Extension Field (Proxy Token)

This field only appears if the target type is set to "proxy extension".  Every proxy extension has a name assigned by its developer.  You must enter the name of the extension when you specify a proxy extention target.

Collection Guid

When you specify a "PingView Server" target and refresh it, you will recieve a copy of the PingView "collection" (target set) that is currently loaded and running in the chosen PingView.

Every PingView collection is associated with a globally unique identifier (a.k.a. GUID or UUID).  If the collection GUID field is empty, this means you want to view the default (loaded and running) PingView collection from the remote server. 

However, any PingView instance can be configured as a "storage" server; that is, other PingViews can send their updated collections to a "storage" PingView.  These stored collections can be accessed by specifying the GUID of the remote collection.

If you're using that PingView server to store collections from elsewhere, you can enter the GUID into the "Collection Guid" field.  Then the current target will represent the entire collection you desired.

For more information, see the PingView help pages.

Types of Targets

See the help page for page for types of targets.