Primary Options

Proxy timeout nn seconds

Connections to proxies are based on HTTP.  This setting allows you to control the timeout.  ProbeView does not allow you to set this value higher than 20 seconds because it could interfere with background refresh.

Ping timeout nn seconds

This value, in seconds, determines how long the application waits for a ping response to arrive before considering it lost.

Retry pings n times

This numeric value sets the number of times a standard "ping" will be attempted before the application determines that it is off-line. Multiplying the ping timeout by the retry value determines how long the application may delay before completing a refresh if some of the targets are unavailable.

Retry TCP connections

ProbeView does not normally retry TCP-based connections, such as port probes and proxied connections.  However, you can set the "Retry TCP" switch if this is desired.

Require Testing

When you add a new target or proxy, it is advisable that you test it before adding it to the data collection. The default value is to require testing any new or changed targets before leaving the editing page. If this value is set off, testing is not required.

Log detail level n

The Log Detail slider lets you set the level of information you see on the Log page. For more information, see the Logging Information help page.

Level 0 shows only the most important log records; level 9 shows every record generated.

Stop refreshing after 60 seconds

If this switch is set, ProbeView will stop any refresh attempt after one minute.  Refreshing should not normally take more that 15-20 seconds, so this usually indicates that your connnection(s) to the internet have broken, at least temporarily.

Background refresh is limited to 30 seconds by Apple.

Auto-Load Target Sets

This slider has three positions:

For more information on these options, see the Network/Target Set Association help page.

Background Refresh Options  (Full Version Only)

These options control ProbeView's ability to refresh network status information while your phone is closed or running other applications.  See the background refresh page for more information.

Enable background refresh

These widgets let you activate and control background refresh. For more information, see the Background Information help page.  If this control is not visible, visit the Settings/General page of your phone, tap on "Background Refresh" and activiate it for ProbeView.

Allow WAN (cellular data) use in background

Some cell data plans are expensive, so ProbeView allows you to decide whether background refresh should occur when you don't have Wi-Fi available.  If your phone has no connectivity the iPhone will never activate background refresh.)  If this switch is set on, ProbeView will perform background refresh with either Wi-Fi or cellular data carrier.

Apple always defaults to using Wi-Fi for all internet communications when it is available.

Refresh frequently/occasionally/rarely

This setting allows you to set your desired background refresh cycle rate.  Please note that iOS (the iPhone's operating software) activates applications for background refresh when it chooses to.  You should think of this setting as a guideline.

You can check ProbeView's log to see exactly what rate background refresh rate (in seconds) it is asking for.

Wait n cycles to report

Networks sometimes have intermittent or transient problems.  This setting causes ProbeView to wait two or more cycles to report a network as down or back up.  If the status of yo≥ur target set changes too quickly, consider increasing this value.

Notify on First Refresh

ProbeView notifies you when your network's status changes; that is, when it goes from being up to being down or vice-versa. However, when you first load a target set ProbeView doesn't know the network's status. By default, ProbeView will not notify you when the first background refresh of a loaded target set occurs.

Since target sets can be automatically loaded based on your connected network, you may want to know when a newly loaded target set is first tested (refreshed), regardless of the results. Setting this switch causes the app to notify you whenever the first background refresh of a newly loaded target set occurs.

Menu Button: Showing Other Views

The "menu" button on the bottom toolbar has an icon that allows you to chose from a set of additional views.

About ProbeView

This view shows the version number of your copy of ProbeView.

View Logs

This view shows you the log records for ProbeView on your phone.  The level of detail is controlled by the "log detail" slider.  For more information see the Logging help page.

View Details

This view shows you detailed information about the target set you've created, along with other options for product support.  For more information, see the Details help page.

Save/Load Target Sets

This view allows you to save target sets and load others.  For more information, see the page on Target Sets.