About Network/Target Set Associations

What is a Network 'Association'?

It often happens that local network addresses are valid or meaningful only in a particular network.  An address such as changes meanings depending on where you are.

ProbeView organizes groups of 'targets' into 'sets', each of which has a name you give it.  The default set is called "Targets".  If the currently loaded set is other than "Targets", the name of the set appears on the main targets page above the targets.

When a target set successfully refreshes, it becomes 'associated' or bound to the name of the network you are in when the refresh occurred.  Each network, either cellular or Wi-Fi, is given a name by ProbeView.  The SSID or Wi-Fi network name is used for Wi-Fi networks, and the cellular data carrier, along with the "mobile country code" (MCC) and "mobile network code" (MNC), are used for cellular data networks.

You may, of course, perform refreshes using any target set in any network. ProbeView will record the target set and network name of most recent successful refresh that took place with that combination of factors.  This information is used to allow ProbeView to automatically switch between target sets or to recommend a target set that you may switch to.

How are Associations Used?

When you leave a Wi-Fi network and move into the street, you are automatcially disconnected from the Wi-Fi network.  The iPhone then performs network requests using your cellular data carrier.  When you move back into range of another Wi-Fi network known to the iPhone, it will automatcially reconnect to that network.

The associations that ProbeView remembers between networks and target sets can be used in one of three ways:

There is a setting on the Options page that controls ProbeView's behavior.

Managing Associations

If you visit the Options page, tap its menu button and choose "Save/Load Target Sets", you will see the list of all the known target sets.  Tap its menu button and you'll be able to navigate to the "View Network Associations" page.

This page lists, for each network, the list of target sets that have been successfully refreshed in that network.  The first target set listed under a network is the set ProbeView will switch to if set to "automatic".

To allow ProbeView to correctly switch between target sets, you must perform a successful refresh in a network.  Then, every time you return to that network, ProbeView will either switch to that target set, recommend that you do so or ignore the network switch.

The Target Sets menu also allows you to clear all network association information.